What's Up Monterey
Oh I have some very exciting news…Hockney’s Yosemite is up at the Monterey Museum of Art. The show officially opens on April 25th and runs through August 4th! You have time but run don’t walk to this amazing little museum and the fascinating Hockney exhibit.
Here are some cool links that will feed your Hockney soul.
https://thedavidhockneyfoundation.org/chronology Check out 2010 when Hockney creates Yosemite on his iPad.
http://badatsports.com/?s=652 An interview with Hockney
And if the exhibit isn’t exciting enough our annual Diamond Jubilee Gala is on April 27th @ the Monterey Peninsula Country Club. An event not to miss and a wonderful way to support MMA in our 60th year, we are growing strong and better than ever!
Click HERE for more info.
Make a weekend of it enjoying the gorgeous Monterey Peninsula and attend our Diamond Jubilee Gala too! Hope to see you there.