Seashells by the Seashore
Seashells down by the Seashore
In my home there are several bowls full of seashells that I have collected over the years, many collected with my daughter on our annual mother daughter trips to Carmel before I moved here. The little tiny ones really intrigue me. . . the intricate design in such a small object is unbelievable. Some of these shells carry extraordinary value of our family adventures.
In coastal homes, especially, people like to decorate with seashells. Makes sense, however, sometimes it can just be overdone. A key to displaying collections is to group them together rather than scatter them about, but at times it can be way too much if not properly edited. A home I visited years ago had one room decorated with seashell memorabilia everywhere. . . seashell prints on the wall, seashell wallpaper borders, and seashells in bowls and baskets, on the console. . . on and on. and on, it was almost frightening
Displaying one’s collections, whether it is seashells or some other valued treasure, adds a wonderful personal element to your home but the key is to carefully edit and curate the collection. Combining a collection with other objects or displaying them in unique places adds variety, texture, and highlights the elements of your collection.
When I am working with a client or visiting a friend’s home I love to hear the stories behind the collections, they are always personal and very intriguing. What is it that you collect?