As I make my way home after a long day on the road, Rounding the bend the sun stretches across the rolling hills casting long shadows over the landscape. There is a beauty in the light as it is grazes the treetops turning everything in its path a rich golden hue... the sun slowly making its descent to the other side of the world. The sun wrapping us in it's golden blanket... life feels peaceful in that moment.
We do not always realize it but throughout our life we cast long golden light on those we meet along the way. It could be we grace another with a smile just when they needed it. Or perhaps we tendered a moment, a listening ear when another needs to be heard. We go about our business not always realizing the impact we have on one another. Sometimes we walk with another through a trial in their life. Others walk with us holding our hand along a treacherous path, a tall precipice. Sometimes it feels like we cannot live with each other but in truth we really could not make it if it weren't for those special others in our lives.
People come in all shapes and sizes and have the personalities to prove it. We don't always understand them. As I dig deeply into my of study the Enneagram I start to scratch the surface. The one who speaks their mind enjoying an energetic banter, creating connection through conflict. The other who doesn't utter their words or opinions as it may bring discord and disconnection. A motley crew we are, and their are more varieties without enough space here to name them all.
We may never know what we have done for someone else in a fleeting moment but we do remember when others have been there for us. The one sitting by our side, the one saving us from the scathing words of an angry foe, gracing us with that tiny unassuming smile.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~ Maya Angelou.
My coach is helping me to unwrap and discover my essential self, how I impact others and serve them through talents I have been gifted with. It is refreshing to not have to be like every other, to try to appear confident when I'm not feeling confident, to not have to pretend, to be myself. It is glorious freedom the times I live without the mask. To be able to admit "I don't know" when someone asks your opinion... "1'11 mull it over"...
"Be yourself; eve,y one else is already takenn. ~ Oscar Wilde