Well Hello There


I recently bought a new welcome mat for my front door “Well Hello There” it says to me every time I cross the threshold.  When it does, I smile.


I have been gone from the airwaves too long and can’t quite put my finger on why.  Covid, busy…I’ve been a doing which sometimes can mean I’m not a reflecting, and not writing…there is indeed a season for everything.  Other than working my “day” job…is there such a thing? I’ve been working on my innards, you know my self-awareness, the stuff that gets pushed to the back of the closet gathering dust balls.  If I don’t see it, I don’t have to deal with it, right? I can just keep on doing the same thing over and over again with the same results. Einstein had a word for that.


I do say it feels good to throw out the trash once in a while, clear the mind of the chatter, and get to the heart of it all.  It just so happens the better I understand and empathize with myself, remove the unnecessary clutter the more I have for others.


Beside opening myself up to and understanding my own machinations my coach has been helping me with communication, dialogue and listening.  I am learning to be curious rather than assuming I know what the other is saying or what they want, desire, dream of. 


Curiosity is a beautiful thing; I learn so much about others and sense how much I assume much of the time. (We know what that means!)  Most of the time I am pleasantly surprised the deeper the conversation goes…. Usually turning towards story telling. It takes time to be curious, to respond…it is an expensive and extravagant use of time in our hurried world yet for me it brings joy, friendship, kinship, knowledge, and useful information along the way.  I’m curious what story I might hear if you and I were to sit down with a cup of tea…hmmm., I cannot wait!


It feels good to say hello again I’ve been away too long…I’m back home crossing my threshold once again, my mat greeting me as I enter my home.  I’m smiling.