June Reflections
June has been a very tough month for all of us, one laced with fear and anger. So much so that many wonder if this is the doom of our country. There is no claim here to be politically astute enough to answer that question. What I am though is an observer from the sidelines and one who has lived long enough to remember other times when our country experienced unrest and nation wide protests.
It has been 19 years since our last major event that unsettled how we lived, and that one was caused by outside sources. It is no wonder we lose hope and live in fear with what has happened these last three months. I myself have vacillated between fear and hope, day by day, minute by minute.
This is a sacred opportunity for me to be a beacon of hope. A place of refuge for my clients, friends, family, and anyone else who happens on my path. Also, I have lived long enough to see shattered dreams and dashed hopes and then to watch ashes turn to blessings right before my eyes. Just when things never looked like they would get better, they did.
Recently I was having a conversation with a close friend about the affects of Covid on us personally. As our conversation started with bleak realities of the virus and the loss of human lives, connection due to sheltering and masks prohibiting us from “seeing” others we soon found ourselves counting the silver linings... there is always hope.
This could be why I love to do what I get to do everyday. My fortune is to answer my clients hopes and dreams. Recently my trusted “partners in crime” and I spent a day installing furniture, rugs, and accessories in a dear client’s home. This day was a culmination of shared dreams, collaboration, grit, and more than a year’s worth of work together.
When my client’s purchased their new home I can imagine their thoughts and hopes of family memories and experiences created in this new space. I visualize as they walked through each room imagining their kids playing in this room, family gatherings in another, summer time bar-b-que’s outside by the pool.
As these last 3 months have passed by I know many of us have seen the impact of sheltering in place and have found how important our homes are to our well-being, how they are our sanctuary…how they should be our sanctuary.